Update on water situation

Updated February 17, 11:50 AM

The 33rd street well pumped 140,000 gallons last night, but the tower emptied again. We believe there may be a major leak at Rogers or Spencer HS. OK schools is sending someone out with the keys so that public works can investigate. In the meantime, they have closed the outlet valve at the 33rd street well to let it refill.

Also, the 48th and Indiana leak that was reported for the 50th street well could not be found. However, that well is at capacity and should be fine.

Finally, I have a report that a six-inch main for the sprinkler system at True Vine church broke yesterday and they had major flooding. Please keep them in your thoughts and look for ways to help.

Please be patient with our PW crew as they work in the cold and the snow to keep our town running. 

Jim Scanlan
Vice Mayor